Friday, September 11, 2009

Settling In

Well I have been here for almost a month now and it is starting to feel like home. I have been teaching for two weeks and love it. It is so much fun!! The kids are adorable and really well behaved. I teach three groups of kids on Monday and Wednesdays and another three groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can't believe how smart they are...they are reading all these books and writing papers on them and it is their second language!! It is pretty amazing.
My school is in this nice area and takes me about a half hour-maybe a little less to get to school each day. It is only a couple of metro stops away. My school is located on the second and third floors of the building in the picture. I have my own little classroom where I teach my classes...only 6 kids maximum in the classes so the small classroom works just fine. I have all my curriculum already made up and even all the copies made already. All I have to do is make sure the I understand the grammar lessons and have read the is pretty nice!!
I also have figured out things such as getting a cell phone...which was actually kind of complicated, got a gym membership, have a pretty regular routine each day, found most of the groceries I need, and even found people who play Catan!!! Well that is about it...After this weekend I will try and post some more pictures!!

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